It seems as of late that I’ve been getting side tracked with holidays and thoughts meanwhile my New Years Resolutions have gotten lost in the mix. So last night as I recovering from noodle legs (a result of running 2.75 miles on treadmill then doing 30 minutes on the elliptical machine), I started to look over my New Years Resolutions that I had finally came up with at the beginning of Feb. And here’s what I came up with…
"Breaking Dawn"; Poured Watercolor on 9" x 12" Paper that I did last week. |
1) Save More Money- I’m doing really well on this one. In fact, thanks to getting back a tax refund that I opted to put part of in savings I’m ahead of the game by almost $200. Yahoo!
2) Unclutter My Life- Well, this one I really have not been working on. I was hoping that by putting it closer to the top of the list that I would be better about it. Nope! That is not the case. However, I have started a small pile for the Good Will. I just really need to get on this one more. Who knows? Maybe this weekend I will try to work on a closet and go through boxes and what not that are just collecting dust.
3) Learn Spanish- I have found a local community education program that offers a Beginning Spanish class on Monday nights which will fit in nicely with my schedule. The registration opens up on March 12 and the class begins on the 19th if there is room available. I hope there will be.
4) Reach My Goal Weight- Can you say… “Ouch! OUCH! And Ouch!” I’m up to needing to lose 14 lbs. instead of the 12 lbs. that I had at the beginning of the month. After seeing that on the scale yesterday morning, I got rather angry with myself. Then, I pushed myself last night to do 2.75 miles running and then 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. OMG! It was noodle leg time on the three flights of stairs on the way up. This last month, the temperatures were so mild for winter time that I was able to get in some extra miles on the bike and I still tired to get a good amount of time in at the gym and I did go to the last of my pilates classes. But I really need to work on watching what I eat. Course, it probably doesn't help that my boxes of Girl Scout Cookies got delivered today. Awwwww.... talk about a weakness! But they are SO yummy! But I'll try to pace myself! If that's possible with Girl Scout Cookies?!?
5) Cut Down on Eating Out- I started off the month of Feb. pretty good. I limited it to once a week. Then, as the month continued on I loosened up and it was nearly as pretty. I had one week where it was about 5 times in a week. Thus, leading to more money being spent out and more weight that I need to lose to get to my goal weight.
6) Do One Century- I really can’t work on this yet. However, I did register for a BIG ride. I signed up for RAGBRAI. (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa)
It’s a ride that takes place over 7 days in late July and covers a total of 472 miles distance.
It starts in northwestern
Iowa and works its way toward southeastern
I find out the results of the lottery entry on May 1
st and then I’ll know for sure whether I am in or not. Keep your fingers crossed! I'm really hoping to get in because the ride is going through my hometown of Cedar Rapids this year. A great deal of my friends and relatives can't believe I haven't done this ride already but the timing usually never has worked out before. But this year I'm hoping that the planets align and I can get in!
Biked 123 miles
Ran 25.50 miles
Spent 2 hours & 47 Minutes on Elliptical
Up to 10 books read so far this year!(10 out of 60 not too bad!)