Friday, March 30, 2012

Checking In!

Here's a quick Friday Check In Report...

The scale was telling me the same thing as last Friday morning.  Unfortunately, bribery doesn't work on it.  So it is still sitting there trying to decide to tell me if it is 13 or 12 lbs. to go till my goal weight.  But I will admit that it probably didn't help that I went out for dinner and drinks last night with a friend.  Note to self-- Not a good idea to go out the night before a weighing in.  Oooppps!  Live and learn!  Darn it and I had such good stats for the week!  Check these out...

96.5 miles cycling
4.5 miles running
20 min. on elliptical

Well, I'll keep working and hope for better results next week.


  1. Jeanne, I love reading your blog. Keep plugging away!

    1. Laura-
      Thanks girl! I miss being in your pilates classes. I'm hoping that they do a Groupon special so I can come back. Thanks for reading and your comment.
