Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Gift Card Day!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My 15 minutes of fame?
now say
that I've
my 15 min. of fame!?! ?
Maybe, a little less than that, and the really bad thing is that I tried on 5 different outfits to look good-but-not-too-good for those 15 min.! Yes, I will admit I was a bit nervous on what to expect. Just a bit! I mean this is kind of a different event and all around I didn't know what to expect. I teasingly asked a co-worker what do you wear at a "Gallery Roll" at a bicycle shop? He answered,"A bike jersey and a formal skirt!" But I really wasn't sure what to expect. I mean it was one of my paintings hanging a bike shop for 2 weeks, with an opening night. Oh, and did I mention that the painting was used on the main page of the Salt Lake City Gallery stroll too! (http://www.gallerystroll.org/ ).(Photo: Myself with the "Halloween Bike Ride")
Well, I got there right at 6pm when the event was supposed to start arriving with a friend that managed to keep me on the "even-keel". Thanks, VanD! There were all ready quite a few people there, and I guess I missed a friend that had all ready stopped by. Then, I guess that Mary, the Popette, had all ready shown up at the shop to supervise where they were hanging my piece of art. She was so excited and proud.
There were quite a few friends that showed up to show their support, and a few that could gave me a call on the phone to see how I was doing. Thank you all! I was amazed at the amount of people. It was a nice steady flow through out the whole night. Well, the "Gallery Roll" will be up until June 1st. So if you didn't get a chance, swing by and check it out. The Salt Lake City Bike Company shop is located at 2nd South and 2nd East. There are several wonderful pieces of bicycle art to view. For some of the art, there are 11" x 17" prints that are available of quite a few works and most of them are about $13, and 40% of those funds go towards the bicycle charity that the artist chose.
As for me, fame was fleeting at best anyway, and I would rather go back to blending in with the crowd! Well, if I can!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mothers, Insurance, Tornados, and... the Wizard of Oz!

Mothers! Are they not just amazing?! I love her but there are things that I really have to shake my head at. These are those things that make her all that more endearing, and lovable to me. But she's one of the few people I know that will buy a car based solely on a well working radio. I remember a variety of used cars with interesting issues that we went through. We named them interesting names like "White Stallion", and "Ghetto Cruiser". As a single mother with two kids, she couldn't afford much for a car. BUT hey, the radio always did work!
Mom, I love you! And Happy Mother's Day to you and to all of you that are Mother's out there too. No matter what you quirks, foibles, eccentricities, and weaknesses, we love you. Because you've managed all of these years to put up with our quirks, foibles, eccentricities, weakness, and our general naughtiness too. Thanks, mom!
Two gals on the same day! On the same day? Yes, on the same day! Laura and Katie's birthdays are on the same day. Talk about a double dose. (Photo: Laura and Katie with the Birthday Cake.)
Laura had invited us over for cake, ---my Lemon Poppy seed cake with Lemon Cream cheese frosting. Which somehow it became a neccessity that I had to make. Well, I just assumed it was just for Laura's birthday that we were meeting for cake, but no it was Katie's birthday the next day too! (Photo below: Katie trying to blow the candle out a second time.)
Well, Laura ended up with the big haul of presents; but we weren't supposed to bring anything. Except me the cake and Susan the coffee maker with decaf coffee (which was really a half regular and half decaf). Well, we didn't know any better! (Photo below Cindy, Katie, and Em enjoying cake and company.)
And thus, Ms.
Laura made out
like a bandit! (Photo: Laura with her self portrait. The one up-side down version is supposed to be a reflecting pose--Em's idea- You don't want to give that gal TOO much coffee!)
Well, we started out with the gals and the cake, as should any bit of birthday celebration. Two gals, two candles was the equation. But Katie had a candle that just didn't want to go out. So she had to try to blow it out a second time. Then we all partaked of some cake, strawberries, whipped cream, and beverages as we had fun socializing.(Photos: At right- Flowers, herbs, and cards that Laura received. At left- Laura with her "Re-cycle-Men" Flower. Below- All of us listening to a story by Laura.)
Then it was present time! We gathered up all the packages and Laura opened each one. She received flowers, herb plants for her garden, incense, candles, diffusers, and a painting of herself.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Bonnets & Brunch...
It's the Annual Spring Bonnets Brunch at St. Joe's Church. It was a rainy day outside but it was full of life inside, especially when you have the Popette in tow.(Photo at right: Myself and the Popette)
The Brunch was organized by Not-So-Good, and started with a prayer service performed by Father Carley. Then was followed by a wonderful catered meal of Chicken Waldorf, Shrimp salad, and a Strawberry dessert. There were all kinds of bonnets. There was even a display table where one of the gals from St. Joe's had bonnets that were available to purchase or just to wear for photos. Well, before the Popette's Miter arrived we had a little fun and she tried on a few of these amazing bonnets. (Photo below: The Popette trying bonnets on before the Miter arrived.)
The Popette is sporting a new Miter that was made by Laura. It even has sprouted a few blooms for Spring. And up around the edges there's even Latin on this new Miter. A secret compartment inside holds the Latin translations. Laura as ever being creative has translated verses such as: "Behold the power of cheese", "I think therefore I am", "As IF!", "It was that way when I got here", " I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear", "Beam me up Scotty". As you can imagine NOT your typical Miter, in any sense of the word. (Photo at Left: The Popette translating the Latin with Not-So-Good in background-[in yellow])
But on a more serious tone, we had a guest speaker of Pamela Atkinson. (Photo at right: Pamela Atkinson speaking at the Brunch.) She's an amazing English woman whose an advocate for children and the homeless. She pointed out to all of us at the brunch that the little things like a can of soup, a blanket, or saying "Hi" to a homeless family or person could make a BIG difference in their lives. She encouraged us to reach out, and make that difference.
It was a good time, and filled us all with a great deal of hope. At the end of the Brunch there was a raffle for the best Bonnet--- a cute little girl won the prize. Then there were a great deal of door prizes that were dispersed. Maureen won tickets to the Hale Theater and I managed to go home with a bottle of wine. (Photo: The Popette and Susan in her bonnet ed glory!)
Friday, May 1, 2009
Happy May Day!!

One of the most popularly known May Day traditions is to hang a basket full of spring flowers and/or other small gifts on a neighbor's doorknob or porch. The trick is you don't want the neighbor to see you! If you get caught, you are supposed to get a kiss. (Yuck!) We often would fill these homemade paper baskets with popcorn, jelly beans, and chocolate kisses. We had a great deal of fun, sneaking up to the neighbor’s porch, carefully placing the basket, knocking on the door (or ringing the doorbell), then RUN! FOREST, RUN! Very rarely did we get caught. Most often, we rather prided ourselves on having the neighbor never figuring out who it was that left the basket on their porch. We would hide in the bushes and wait. (Above Photo: "Maypole Singers" an oil painting I did based on singers in a May Day Festival in Amana Colonies in Iowa.)
When I first moved to Utah, I tried this May Day basket thing. But it just left my neighbors perplexed. They had never heard of this May Day tradition, and rather acted like I was a creature from another planet. (Which I have to admit, sometimes, I feel like that in Utah.) It wasn’t until years later that I had a neighbor move in across the street, who was originally from Michigan, that I was able to start up the tradition again for awhile. She understood the tradition, and she often would have each one of her young sons deliver and dash baskets to my front porch. It was all sorts of merriment that I would run after them and warn them that I was going to catch them. But quite often, we would be laughing so hard that we would be rolling in the grass across their front yard.

Another popular activity on May Day is to decorate a pole with brightly colored ribbon or paper streamers. Some also add flowers and balloons. The pole is usually carried in a parade and then placed in the ground at a designated area. People then dance around the May pole, holding the ends of the streamers or ribbon in their hands. The Maypole Dance as it’s called. One year when I was back in Iowa visiting my Mom, we went down to the Amana Colonies and attended their May Day festivities. One of which was a Maypole Dance. The girls doing the dance were dressed in dresses with aprons and their hair is swept up in buns. I did some paintings based on photos of this a few years back. (Above Photo: "Maypole Dancers" an oil painting I did based on Maypole Dancers at a May Day Festival in Amana Colonies in Iowa.)
It’s interesting all the different cultural celebrations there are for the same day. I recently surfed the Internet; I discovered all kinds of ways that people celebrate May Day. In London, May Day is celebrated with the children going from house to house. They bring flowers and get pennies in return. The pennies are then thrown into a wishing well. The pennies are then donated to charity. Gee, and I remember picking flowers and trying to sell them to the neighbors as a kid, but I usually kept the money. Am I bad?
In France, cows play an important role in May Day. The cows are led in parades with many flowers attached to their tails. The people watching the parade try to touch the cows; it is believed to be good luck. Cows are good luck? So what about cow tipping? Does that undo the luck? In Germany, one tradition is for boys to secretly plant a May tree in front of the window of the girl they love. Interesting … So is this an early form of courtship? And what is the parent’s reaction when a boy is digging a hole in their front yard? I wonder.
The people in Hawaii celebrate their own version of May Day; they call it Lei Day. People give Hawaiian leis to each other. They put them around each other's necks and sometimes give a traditional kiss. Gee, and I thought this happened all of the time in Hawaii. At least according to all of the tourist brochures I see, it does. They are such a friendly lot!
But anway, Happy May Day to you! Which ever way you may, or may not, celebrate it!