Monday, May 4, 2009

Bonnets & Brunch...

The Popette Strikes Again!!!

It's the Annual Spring Bonnets Brunch at St. Joe's Church. It was a rainy day outside but it was full of life inside, especially when you have the Popette in tow.(Photo at right: Myself and the Popette)

The Brunch was organized by Not-So-Good, and started with a prayer service performed by Father Carley. Then was followed by a wonderful catered meal of Chicken Waldorf, Shrimp salad, and a Strawberry dessert. There were all kinds of bonnets. There was even a display table where one of the gals from St. Joe's had bonnets that were available to purchase or just to wear for photos. Well, before the Popette's Miter arrived we had a little fun and she tried on a few of these amazing bonnets. (Photo below: The Popette trying bonnets on before the Miter arrived.)

The Popette is sporting a new Miter that was made by Laura. It even has sprouted a few blooms for Spring. And up around the edges there's even Latin on this new Miter. A secret compartment inside holds the Latin translations. Laura as ever being creative has translated verses such as: "Behold the power of cheese", "I think therefore I am", "As IF!", "It was that way when I got here", " I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear", "Beam me up Scotty". As you can imagine NOT your typical Miter, in any sense of the word. (Photo at Left: The Popette translating the Latin with Not-So-Good in background-[in yellow])

Of course, the Popette was a big hit, as well as her Miter! She read the translations in her own dramatic way, and had us all laughing till we were about ready to cry. It was even more funny, when Father Carley came round to our table and discovered the Popette in all of her glory. (Photo at left: Fr. Carley sporting the Popette's new Miter.) He even had to try the Miter on, after all he has been working towards it all of his life, too! He even borrowed it to make a little speech at the end of the brunch.

But on a more serious tone, we had a guest speaker of Pamela Atkinson. (Photo at right: Pamela Atkinson speaking at the Brunch.) She's an amazing English woman whose an advocate for children and the homeless. She pointed out to all of us at the brunch that the little things like a can of soup, a blanket, or saying "Hi" to a homeless family or person could make a BIG difference in their lives. She encouraged us to reach out, and make that difference.

It was a good time, and filled us all with a great deal of hope. At the end of the Brunch there was a raffle for the best Bonnet--- a cute little girl won the prize. Then there were a great deal of door prizes that were dispersed. Maureen won tickets to the Hale Theater and I managed to go home with a bottle of wine. (Photo: The Popette and Susan in her bonnet ed glory!)

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