Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Enough to Turn You Off Breakfast...

Or How Many Jars of Peanut Butter Does 1 Person Need?

I’m one of four women that work in office full of men; most of whom have Mechanical Engineering degrees. They are brilliant men but a few of them have their “quirks”. One of them has a "quirk" of some very interesting food choices.

Each morning, I watch this male co-worker put together a breakfast that makes my stomach want to gag. This breakfast consists of oatmeal (or granola) combined with frozen berries, nonfat sugar-free vanilla ice cream, and egg beaters. He mixes and stirs all these ingredients in a bowl. Then pops the bowl in the microwave until the egg beaters is of scrambled egg consistency. My stomach turns as he takes it out because it rather reminds me of a chicken egg experiment gone bad. But I guess the good thing of this experience is that it suppresses my appetite for breakfast most mornings.  Of course, it probably doesn't help that I've never been too fond of eggs to begin with.

Peanut butter seems to be the other food thing he’s been doing lately. He’s been on this organic peanut butter kick. The company kitchen now has four jars of organic peanut butter sitting on top of the refrigerator; one of which is organic Almond butter. Four jars?! How many jars of peanut butter does one person need? I was teasing another co-worker that there was a potential meeting for peanut butter anonymous group. “Hello! I’m a peanut butter junkie!”

Oh, and did I mention that he has a jar rotation process for the Almond butter. Every other day the jar is upside down on its lid. I guess this is to help with the oils circulating in the jar to help maintain the Almond butter correct consistency; a bit anal if you ask me.

He’s mostly been putting this peanut butter on celery stalks. I call them stalks because he doesn’t cut the celery into short pieces. He just tears a couple stalks off the bunch of celery. The other day he was putting the Almond butter on to a celery stalk and it wasn’t pretty. To me it looked like diarrhea on stalk. EWwwwh! Be still my stomach! Gee, I might be swearing off breakfast and peanut butter.

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